The Dreadmill – TBT

I always end up hurting myself doing something mundane. If I have to do some complicated stunt, I’m fine.”
~Lauren Cohan

There’s no such thing as a great stunt if there’s no danger involved.” ~Hal Needham

December 9, 2014

Sunday afternoon was a cold drizzling gloom: so I decided to to do a 5-mile run on the treadmill, always with trepidation even with handholds. Earplugs pumping music in place, emergency stop clipped to my waistband with a slower beginning pace working up to 10.10 min. miles. Water and sweat rag resting in their perch. Twenty minutes to go, feeling good, ever so often trying to pass myself when my body would hit the front of the machine…back off a little. 🙂

Can’t say what happened…groovin’ to a pace then suddenly down, staring at a swinging emergency clip (out of my reach) that had slipped off my pants. First time I fell at six-miles an hour? The treadmill kept churning and somehow I was clutching the handlebar with my left hand in calm (?) thought as to how to get up without body slamming the wall in complete panic to my SPS triggers.

Managing to grip the left bar with both hands, my left knee and foot were on the left foot rail. Maneuvering my right foot to be behind my left, I pull to standing and slow the belt down, but did not stop it. A voice in my head said, “Get back on the horse.” So…I completed my run, felt a little sore, and was amazed I was able to extricate myself considering my syndrome triggers. (A neighboring treadmill gal got to me as I stood up, wearing the shocked expression I have grown accustomed to through the years.)

Removing my unripped leggings at home, both knees are sporting double impressive road rash wounds. Quirky, I chuckle as I add this to another jack-butt episode of my diagnostic life. 😉 I guess any dress up affairs for Christmas will require black dress slacks or my sexy black print stockings. And to think, all my stunts are improv, without formal training. Just ungracefully talented? 😉


Treadmill Video

© 2014 Debra A. Richardson

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